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through Science and Innovation


Goose Creek Consulting opened its doors in 2010 to provide coaching services to improve psychological well-being, help people achieve career aspirations and to navigate life transitions. We brought coaching into the mental health space, which was something that few people at the time believed was possible. In 2014, we were approached by the United States Department of Agriculture to assist a leader who needed a coach who was capable of helping people with mental health and workplace development issues. That call began our journey into leadership development and we quickly began working for a number of federal agencies and non-profit organizations.


We also have established partnerships over the years with a number of companies that share our values and our commitment to helping others through innovation and science-based approaches and tools.


Our company has stayed small deliberately in order to foster a culture of internal self-development, quality and customer service. Our core team of 10 full-time employees is augmented by a bench of 15 part-time on-call consultants, coaches and facilitators. We are also supported by key teaming partners, as well as almost 30 subcontractors who are selected based on being highly skilled, experienced and shared values.


The goal we all share is that someday this organization will continue to be having a positive impact on the world long after we are gone.


Our mission can be summed up simply with Redefining Help.


Our strategy is to, in order:


  • Taking Care of Our People

  • Partnering with Clients to Create Impactful Solutions

  • Position Ourselves for the Future

  • Be Profitable




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