Assessment tools help accelerate personal and professional development through building self-awareness that helps people identify goals and target behaviors, and help organization's identify strengths, opportunities and blindspots among their talent and leadership development efforts.
Hogan Assessments

The Hogan Assessments are the only scientifically valid suite of assessments that measure the "outside" view of the "Bright Side" of personality, the "Dark Side" that leads to derailment and the internal "Inside" view of motives, values and preferences. The Hogan Personality Survey (HPI), the Hogan Development Survey (HDS) and the Motives Values Preferences Inventory (MVPI) can be utilized for leadership and personal development and talent acquisition. We offer customized group reports and other services to assist with talent development and succession management.
Our coaches and consultants have advanced certifications in interpretation and providing feedback on the assessment results. They are members of the Hogan Independent Consultants Network. Jayson Blair, our managing partner, is a member of the elite Hogan Coaches Network and has appeared, discussing "Coaching the Whole Person," on Hogan's The Science of Personality podcast.
Korn Ferry Competency Framework & Assessments

Korn Ferry International is a leader in talent development. Our coaches and consultants are certified. The Korn Ferry Leadership Architect (KFLA) competency framework is the leading framework that tells organizations and leaders the competencies that will help people be successful at each level of leadership and help organizations create engagement and effectiveness. Our coaches and consultants are certified in the following Korn Ferry tools:
Korn Ferry Leadership Architect
KF 360
Korn Ferry Leadership Solution
Korn Ferry Learning Agility Coaching Report
Our coaches and consultants provide feedback, customized group talent reviews and competency modeling using these tools.
California Psychological Inventory (CPI 260)

The California Psychological Inventory™ (CPI™) assessments are powerful tools for helping individuals improve their performance. Using a sophisticated technique to extract detailed personality insights, they summarize and explain how other people see a person and judge his or her leadership style. The CPI 260 is used in leader selection, career development and leadership development. Our coaches and consultants are certified to deliver, interpret and provide feedback on the CPI 260.
Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory is a career interests tool that measures those interests, work style and confidence in a particular career field. Originally developed for the U.S. military to help service members identify transferrable skills and interests, the Strong has involved into a tool with editions for high student students identifying their career path, college students, those in their early career and those seeking to make career transitions.
Our coaches regularly use the Strong to help individuals identify career interests, their confidence in those fields and the next steps to pursue their career.
Custom Approaches

Goose Creek uses organization's competency models and custom competency models to create assessments that are customized to organization needs and leadership levels.
Our consultants customize the competency model and questions based on the organizational context, culture and strategy and use the CustomInsight assessment platform to delivery these to clients along with developmental feedback.
Other Assessment Tools

Our team is able to delivery a wide variety of other assessments, including, but not limited to:
DiSC Assessments (teambuilding)
FIRO-B (communications)
Thomas Killman Conflict Mode Instrument (conflict)
Conflict Dynamics Profile (conflict)
Leadership Practices Inventory 360 (leadership)
Reach 360 (personal branding)